At Little Roots, we are keenly focused on expanding our global reach and exploring export opportunities. We welcome interest from international customers and partners who are drawn to our commitment to quality and natural products.
Whether you are looking to import our range, collaborate on bespoke projects, or simply wish to learn more about our sustainable and traditional production methods, we are here to engage and assist.
Your insights, inquiries, and proposals are immensely valuable to us as we continue to grow and adapt in the global market. Please feel free to contact us; we are eager to explore how we can collaborate and bring our unique products to your market.
Ovocňák s.r.o.
687 32 Rudice 36
Company ID Number: 06830536
VAT Number: CZ06830536
Bank Details
IBAN: CZ1101000000111000111111
Company Registered at the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, File Number 288863